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Family, Friends + Followers

One of the things God has made increasingly clear to me is that the slice of the discipling + missional movement I oversee must be incredibly strong at providing resources and training. That being said, I really don’t want my blog to be a never ending series of announcements, you know? So we’ve created a group called Family, Friends + Follwers. Essentially, if you’re someone who wants to be connected to me and 3DM and know about all of the new and different training/ resources we have coming available, this group is for you. It is not a spam list. We will not be constantly hitting you up and hawking new products. We will probably email you 3-6 times a year and it will always include access to resources that aren’t available to anyone else. For instance, it might include:

  • Webinars on the practicalities of discipleship and mission that is only for this group
  • When I’m about to release a new book, you’ll have access to it at least a week in advance and when possible, for significantly discounted rates
  • Free ebooks that we don’t release to anyone else
  • Free training events
  • etc
If this is a group you’d like to be part of, simply send an email to our Director of Communication, Elizabeth Paul ( and in the subject line put “Family, Friends + Followers”. In the body of the email, please provide your name, where you live and your email address.
Thanks everyone!
7 Comments leave one →
  1. Cheryl Potts permalink
    September 2, 2011 1:06 am

    Thanks Mike & Sally. This is fantastic news and much appreciative for us Australians.
    Looking forward to the Ebooks coming out etc
    Cheryl & Malcolm Potts

  2. October 17, 2011 3:57 pm

    Mike, I have read through much of your writings, including your Building a Discipling Culture book, I am the Spiritual Development Pastor at our Church and wanted to ask you something, and wondering if you had ever written on it. It is this: “Do you see a difference biblically speaking about the process of salvation and discipleship?” I just read a post from Larry Moyer and he said “discipleship is free, but discipleship involves a cost” understanding the difference between Jesus words with Larry and others seem to separate the idea of salvation and discipleship, any thoughts? Or maybe you can write a post on it if it interests you, or lead me to another source.
    Last question, what would be the best way of connecting with you about building our model of discipleship here at the church? Skype, conference call, etc..

  3. Mark Gomez permalink
    November 13, 2011 12:49 am

    In your article “Obituary for the American Church” you quoted Dr. King. I was wondering what the citation is for that quote. I wanted to use it, but I don’t use quotes without citations if I can help it.

    Mark Gomez

  4. Anne Hansen permalink
    January 2, 2012 6:25 pm

    We tried to sign up for the conference in Denver. and it wouldn’t let us. It asked for a lot of required info and some that we don’t have: websites, etc.


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